Do you know that disposable underpads have so many advantages?


Disposable underpads are also new products that have entered the market in recent years. There should be no such products in the memory of the post-80s generation. All derivatives are produced according to people’s needs. With the change of times, more and more appear in people’s vision. With the demand, more and more people see or use them. But even so, many people will feel strange when they see it, saying they haven’t seen it, let alone used it.

Now that it can be launched, proving that it can meet people’s needs, more and more people agree that it has its advantages. Yes, it is. What kind of cloth diaper was used when raising first baby at the beginning. The advantage is that after urinating, it won’t get wet through the bedding, and it won’t be used without bedding because of mistakes, but the disadvantages are gradually revealed. Although it is made of cloth, it is waterproof by plastic material, so urine will not penetrate, but the problem is that it needs to be washed after sticking to the baba, which is very difficult to wash. If there is a small amount of urine, we choose to dry it and reuse it, but the smell will be very strong. Even so, I thought it was better than nothing at that time, but from the current perspective, I still feel there is a gap.

After second baby was born, I came into contact with disposable urinal underpads. At the beginning, I thought it was nothing but a waste of some. But after long-term use, I found many benefits. To say the disadvantages, it was more expensive. What are the specific benefits? Because it is disposable, the baby will change it after urinating, which is a good solution to the problem of smell and completely eliminate the odor. The baby’s fart will be red after diarrhea. At this time, the fart needs to be dried. It is also very convenient to use the diaper pad. What’s more surprising is that it is made of the same material as the diaper pants, which is very skin-friendly and comfortable, and the baby is also easy to accept. For families using diapers, this saves the trouble of washing diapers. So the disadvantage is that it costs money, and as for the benefits, there are many.

In order to save money, you can choose the size according to the baby’s age, because the price of different sizes is different, which can also save some costs. Generally, newborns can use small ones for about 6 months. According to the growth of the baby, the weight of each baby is different at the same month of age. As long as it can meet the needs of the baby, try to choose a small size, which can save some costs.

Post time: Mar-02-2023